Group exhibition at the gallery Shower
– 15.12.2023 – 13.01.2024 –
There are 73 sculptures, photographs, drawings and paintings by various artists from Dresden to Montreal to discover, providing a fascinating insight into the diversity of the gallery members and their guests.
You can expect an eclectic selection of works that are worth discovering at the opening with tea, mulled wine and a campfire.
Tom Ackermann | Jantje Almstedt | Sophie Altmann | Marie Aly | Charlotte Antony | Mirsini Artakianou | Marie Athenstaedt | Enrico Bach | Christina Baumann | Bella Bram | Georg Brückmann | Tim Cierpiszewski | Dana László da Costa | Janosch Dannemann | Franziska Degendorfer | Lauriane Dine | Benjamin Dittrich | Nicolás Dupont | Isabelle Dutoit | Stefan Fischer | Alexander Gehrke | Matthias Geisler | Sebastian Gögel | Ingo Albrecht Hauser | Lenia Hauser | Tobias Hild | Franziska Holstein | Sebastian Hosu | Theo Huber | Stephan Jäschke | Trevor Kiernander | Yvette Kiessling | Falko Kitsche | Alexander König | Susanne Langbehn | Moritz Liebig | Johannes Listewnik | Jana Isabella Luck | Juliane Mahler | Klara Meinhardt | Ani Maisuradze | Thomas Moecker | Penny Monogiou | Johannes Myller | Eileen Almarales Noy | Lisa Pahlke | Snow Paik | Henrike Pilz | Marta Pohlmann-Kryszkiewicz | Philipp Putzer | Johannes Rochhausen | Christoph Roßner | Jurek Rotha | Theresa Rothe | Mischa Sanders | Nele Hendrjke Sandner | Johan Schäfer | Mascha Schultz | Josefine Schulz | Matti Schulz | Ralph Schulz | Florian Schurz | Stefan Schwarzer | Björn Siebert | Oliver Stäudlin | Marlen Tennigkeit | Kathrin Thiele | Ruth Unger | Matthias Jun Wilhelm | Verena Winkelmann | Daniel Wogenstein | Paula Franziska Wolber
Galerie shower
Franz-Flemming-Straße 9
04179 Leipzig
Gallery opening hours: fridays and saturdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
and by appointment